Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Girl who Played with Fire

I just got done reading The Girl Who Played With Fire on my Kindle, and all I can say is...I can't wait for the next one!

At the end it leaves you hanging and you are asking yourself, what happens next? Now I need to figure out when the next one come out so I can read it.

Stieg Larsson, the author, goes in to great detail when he is writing. Almost too much detail. He goes in depth about the characters everyday life. Right down to what they get at the store. The whole book kept my attention though.

I would usually read this book during my lunch break and be hesitant to stop reading when my lunch break was over. I always wanted to know what was going to happen next. Lisbeth Salander gets into one situation after another and get the little amount of friends she does have into trouble as well. After a couple gets murdered everything is turned upside down for Lisbeth. And her and Blomkvist have to fight to figure out what the answers are.

There are a couple of twist during the book that just leaves you thinking. And, I couldn't figure out the twists until they explained it out for me. It was a really good book. It is great how when reading something is already told to the reader but other charcters do not know and you get to see what other charcters are thinking what it might be when you already know.

Steig Larsson is a great author and I can't wait to read the next book in the Lisbeth Salander Trilogy.

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