Friday, March 29, 2013

Beautiful Redemption

Beautiful Redemption, the last book in the series, is different than the rest. There are no shadowing songs, but crossword puzzles instead. Chapters are not marked by a date but are split into 3 books. The first book Ethan is in 1st person in the Gatlin otherworld trying to find his way back home to the living. The 2nd book Lena is in 1st person and the 3rd book goes back to Ethan's perspective. It is hard to get use to Lena telling the story in part of the book because I am so use to Ethan talking. I constantly have to keep telling myself it isn't Ethan, it is Lena.

This book is very repetitive in parts, and boring and slow. Really no action, even the fighting scene is boring and quick. The deaths in the book have no feeling to it and it feels real disconnected. There are a lot of Harry Potter like scenes in this one too at the end of the book. So, it isn't very original on top of the slow and boring.

There are questions that are finally answered that were asked in the very first book and left you hanging until this last book. Like what did Link do in the basement when he was 9 years old. And what is Lena's real name. They are just added quickly at the end of the novel just to quickly tie up loose ends.

The writing is beautifully written and there are some really good parts. But, all in all it wasn't my favorite book in the series. I think my favorite one was the third on in the series.

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