Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Getting Ready for Mockingjay

After reading Deeply Desperately I went ahead and read Hunger Games and Catching Fire to get myself ready for Mockingjay that comes out August 24th. I thought, I would read Hunger Games in a week and Catching Fire in a week and be done right in time for Mockingjay to come out. Obviously that didn't happen. I am reading much faster than I used to with my kindle now! But anyway. I have already written reviews for Hunger Game and Catching Fire which is I think around the beginning of my blog. Again, they were fantastic books and I am excitingly waiting for the last in the series.

Catching Fire just leaves you hanging for the next series. And when I read it the first time, I was like what? I have to wait a YEAR to find out what happens next! But, alas, the year has gone by and it is almost time for Mockingjay. I really can't wait!

Since this is a recap post I will list the other books I am waiting to come out.
- Absolutely Positively, the next in the Lucy Valentine Novels comes out February 1st 2011 so I have quite a while to wait for that one.

- City of Fallen Angels the next in the Mortal Instruments series comes out April 5th 2011 which again is another long wait. But, inbetween that wait and now is...Clockwork Angel which is a spin off of the Mortal Instrument in which some of the characters will be in both and that one comes out soon! August 31st 2010

-The Dark and Hollow Places comes out March 22 2011 another long wait. It is the third book in that goes along with The Forest of Hands and Teeth and The Dead Tossed Waves. Both, excellent books and I can't wait for this third one.

-Another spin off book that I can't wait for is The Heroes of Olympus from Rick Riordan. I loved the Persy Jackson ones that this one is a spin off of and I hope it is good as well. That comes out soon October 12 2010

-Beautiful Darkness a sequel to Beautiful Creatures comes out October 12 2010 as well so I will be busy that day reading new books!

-Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick which is the sequel to Hush Hush comes out I believe in October also. I think the 19th.

-Leviathan left you at a huge cliff hanger so I can't wait for the sequel Behemoth which comes out also in October on the 5th. Man, I can't wait until October.

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